Sunday, 2 September 2007

Comments of others.......

In response...

1. We all think you do this. Every one of you, regardless of whether you claim to have these friends or not. Especially those of you with blogs. You're so used to "teling all" ;)

2. This one always made me wonder.. And I've had a fair percentage of partners say "only one before"....
And these weren't young ladies. In fact all of the few number of partners there have been I have known. EG name, all about them and so on. No club pickups.

3.We do this to you to. Well figuratively speaking....

4. Do not forget the past, can't know where you're going less you know where you been. And I don't need to win every moment do I. The fact I'm here and he's not is a firm indicator it didnt work with him!

5.Every sexual partner has shared the fantasies and what turns me on. It's a sexual relationship for a reason.

6. Good crying? And crying after you've broken up doesn't count.

7. Odd conversation........ but I've had discussions with partners about this...
I've only talked "dirty" to one partner. And in the end it was negative. I didn't want to feel that way. I didn't want to lower how I felt to something primeval.

Now I talk openly and very sexually as the time requires.
It's still very adult.....

But it's more of the "I love tracing this line from your cheek down your side, so many..........gentle.......curves" while highlighting said curves with the edge of a finger...
There is some more adult language used, but all in all it's tasteful.
Some conversations I think don't need to happen. And it's not what the moment is.... You might have a fantastic ass, it's not why I'm attracted to you though...

8. Oh sweet jesus mary and mother of god.
Is there a simple answer for this? For me? Yes.
I decided at the age of 16 to hell with it all. I said iot when I felt like it, I called when I felt like calling. Sure a few girls along the way distanced themselves, the others loved the attention and that I showed it.
No game playing, "wait 3 days to call her" I got told once after a great date. I called her halfway home and setup another one ;)

9. I have her sms :( If she leaves any voicemails I will keep those too ;)
I have all of the emails from my marriage.
It was a long period of my life and it's incredible to occasionally look back at my life. How I felt, talked, changed and grew.
I'm very nostalgic... and the bonus of ye olde photographic memory. Each email I read is in perfect context. I know when it came...... what I was doing......... and so on.

10. This is NOT everyone. And I hate it. If I ask you a question it means I want your answer to it. Do not play games and test me. I am here because we both want to. If you need to test me, then we don't want to be here.

11. You do not.

12. Got it, all over it.
Nothing is a clearer sign of wanting to be around someone than asking them out somewhere and chasing after them, after they tell you to leave ;)

13. Got it. As long as you do. Sometimes we'd love you to climb on our lap while watching tv, grab the remote and turn it off and then just look.

14. Are you completely mental? Why the hell would I flirt with someone else to flirt with you? If we're together I am onto you like white on rice.
I would punch the valet guy in the chest and not talk to you for 3 days.
That should be the manly behaviour you're obviously looking for.

15. Is it the rushing off to work? Or that all women love a man in a suit?

16. You'll have my attention as soon as you want it. No need to start a fight, just let me know you want it. Being present is enough to know you want it.
Standing between me and the TV is also an indication.... ;)

17. I get argued with for paying. One specific friend (only a friend, still a woman) always pays her share. When I pay before she can, she slips money in my pocket or something. And knowing her, it's about control. I would have control if I paid apparently.....

18. Not even gonna go there... eww fantasising about my friends......

19. We know you do.
Sometimes we get told.

20. I threw a portrait today. It was 5 feet tall..... it's 11 years old and has moved house with me 9 times. The wife ignored it in the shed. I don't know why I kept it, I never looked at it.
She's gone now. Bye Caroline.

That's an effective comment on a post if I've ever seen one ;)

Nothing permanent about it though. Only a guest.

1 comment:

suburbanhen said...

1. Seriously, I grew out of it. I was thinking about it today, about how I used to tell a lot (never about money, though). These days, unless I am directly asked the question by the friend and I think it wont hurt for them to know, then I pretty much don't share.

2. Sex is serious, even if it's just a one night stand. If they ask, then I tell. It's not a small number. Sometimes this concerns them, but on a performance level mostly!

6. Bad crying. Fuckers! Bastards! Twunts!

7. Dirty, but not filthy. Sexy, I guess. Talk sexy. Yes, you've got that bit right :)

8. It's just an effing nightmare.

10. I observe, analyse and judge every action, word, gesture, e-mail and facial expression. is the only bit I really agree with there. The rest is bollocks. I am not always testing you. I am comparing, considering, thinking, imagining, but rarely testing you.
And if I ask you that 3some Q, it's because I actually want to know if it is something you want, so I want a real answer. God help you if you do want one from me though ;)

11. Yes I do.

14. I do it and it's been done to me. It's a strange little dance, but it's important that you trust the person you're with.

15. It's the suit. All the live long day.

20. It's about time ;)