Wednesday, 2 May 2007

The Great Interview

Well 5 questions isn't exactly "great"....... But as much of an internet meme that it is. I've volunteered to be tagged by Boff. And she's hit me with 5 questions.

So without further ado........ Kal's interview...

1. What is the greatest fear you have for your child? What is the greatest hope?

Nicely asked question. The greatest fear for my daughter is that she won't get to achieve her dreams. I live in fear of her failing to meet what she wants because people in her life don't see her potential or don't let her use it for whatever reason. She is a smart girl. Excessively smart, she converses with me in a very adult fashion. She learnt to write her own name, and has not yet started school at all, she reads signs and can understand some concepts of maths. She holds the potential to be and do anything she wants. And I'm terrified the people of the world will hold her back for some unknown reason.

My greatest hope is that she see's the world the way I do. For her to place value on honour and morals and always strive to make others happy and to do the right thing. I hope that this torch is passed succesfully.

Of course there's the unspoken answer. Fear for my child. Like every parent. Outliving them. There is no scarier thought as a parent.

2. If you could change yourself, what would you change and why?

This could be physically or mentally. I'm gonna take the easier (or harder) route and use both.

Physically: I'd change my ticks. Little quirky habits, Mostly the fact that I am never comfortable. I feel like I'm always sitting wrong. I suspect it's because i'm tall and it's all leg. I know it annoys people, but I'm not doing it on purpose, It's just how I am.

Mentally: I'd like to think I'm intelligent, emotionally stable, honest and genuine. And thinking so causes me problems. It's not easy to do the right thing. Sometimes I'd like to just do the wrong thing. It seems so much easier for some people.

3. What do you find so alluring about photography?

Many things. The two things that I tell people...
I can capture an emotion. Take a photograph to lead you to feel a certain way. Often this will be how I was feeling when the photograph was taken.

And a moment captured in time. You can disconnect from where you are and drop into another moment. Whether it's taking you back to a party, or a sunset. Or bringing you into a micro-cosmos underneath a leaf as you race a ladybug for food.

4. What is one thing you’d like to do before you die?

I've already heard me being called Daddy by a little voice, so I guess it only leaves to see the Pyramids. Cliched I'm sure. But to visit something thousands of years old. A marvel of engineering and man. The things they needed to understand, the concepts, the sheer effort and work involved. These people beleived strongly in what they were doing. And to me there's something strong in that to see. There would be a certain something about them you would not get anywhere else. They are from a different world.

5. Who is the film star that most closely reflects the girl of your dreams?

Tough question. And very hard to nail down. This would have been answered differently 5 years ago. Very differently.
Short list.......... Audrey Hepburn - For sheer Feminine Grace.
Renee Russo - Class

But I would have to pick Kate Beckinsale.
She is soft and feminine, strong and upright. She holds feminine grace and a high IQ. She writes and won two major awards for short stories as a teenager. She also speaks 4 languages fluently, and we all know people who are at least bi-lingual have brains that work better (apparently the extra effort taken for them to know which language to use at any given time gives the whole brain a tune up.)

So yes, Kate. Feminine, intelligent and I'll presume she's honest.

Not a difficult list to match it seems............


MadameBoffin said...

Good questions - great answers :) I'd also like to see the Pyramids but mostly for the historical value (history for history's sake).

Kate Beckinsale = great taste.

Kal El said...

Thanks :)
It's ok about the pyramids, the majesty would strike you when there I'm sure.

MadameBoffin said...

Of course they would. I LOVE the pyramids. I meant, I would see them purely for their historical value :)